Integrated Marketing Communication Bawean Island Tour

Nur Maghfirah Aesthetika, Poppy Febriana


Bawean Island which is within the scope of Gresik Regency has the potential of nature, culture, and religiontourism. The natural resources that have this potential will develop if managed and promoted with an effective and efficient strategy. The purpose of this study to analyze the communication strategy used by the local government of Gresik Regency in promoting potential tourism in Bawean Island. In this qualitative descriptive study the primary data was obtained through in-depth interviews with the head of Departement of Culture Tourist Youth and Sport in Gresik. The questions in the interview related to Bawean Island tourism promotion strategic plan along with what has been done by related parties. Data analysis was performed using interactive techniques from Miles and Huberman. The results of this study show that the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth, and Sports has not had a marketing strategy and implementation based Integrated Marketing Communications. The strategies and promotions that have been there are also still not running optimally.


IMC, Promosi, Pulau Bawean

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