Simeulue: Integrated Tourism Based on Community’s Participation

Sabariah Bangun, Nurbani Nurbani, Agustrisno Agustrisno


Tourism development is nowadays considered as one of the development, economic improvement, and prosperity efforts of the outer islands in Indonesia. All this time, development strategy of tourism development only rely on the potential of nature and always depend onto the physical potential, infrastructure and natural resource potential, yet does not involve its human factors. Although the potential of natural resources is indeed abundant tourism selling value, still without accompanied by changes in human behavior, such trial will not produce the aimed results. This requires the participation of local communities and the development of the local communities’ value in the overall development phase from the planning, implementation and supervision stage. This research describes the involvement of local communities as well as the preservation of cultural values of local communities in the tourism development and formulates a model of tourism development that puts forward the values and participation of local communities. The policy of tourism development through holistic approach since human development is very determining the progress of a tourism.


Wisata Terintegrasi, Partisipasi Masyarakat, Kebijakan Pembangunan Pariwisata

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