Reality Construction Brand Destination: Sweet Face of Tourism Destination

Burhan Bungin


Brand is not a brand, brand is not just a logo, brand is everything for a product. In the tourism field, the brand is also the same meaning, but the destination brand must be born from the philosophy and values of destination and unique advantages. Brand will give strength to the destination that is represented when the brand gets a good branding process and consistency. Recently, Indonesia's tourism are sometimes irrational and rely only on momentary data, in which case Indonesian positions are still far from expected. As the destination brand, the brand must be built on the correct social construction in the stages of social construction, namely externalization, objectivity-legitimacy and internalization. This paper attempts to elevate the study of destination social constructions with narrative-critical methods, trying to compare them to Wonderful Indonesia, Pesona Indonesia up to Majestic Banyuwangi.


Brand Destinasi, Konstruksi Sosial, Dan Pariwisata

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