Instagramable: Concerning Expectation and Reality (Netizen Perception to Photo Object in Instagram)

Syafrida Nurrachmi Febriyanti


The enthusiasm of Indonesian people on the activities of photographing and sharing photos through social media such as Instagram is very high nowadays. This phenomenon then rises the term “Instagramable” to signify splendid locations for posting in Instagram. This Instagramable is ultimately used by the manager and the netizens to distribute photos of tourism objects through the official account in Instagram in order to increase the tourists’ interest. Selection of viewing angles, high camera resolution, until editing before posting will create Instagramable photos and can attract netizens' attention. However, on the other hand, the photos distributed on Instagram are not always appropriate compared between reality and netizen’s expectations. This article designates the netizen's acceptance of photos of tourist spots through Instagram that will not only limited by opinions but also the interpretation, understanding, and thought of the participants towards the selection and satisfaction of the tourist objects participants illustrated through the Instagramable phenomenon.


Instagram, Instagramable, Media Sosial, Netizen, Komunikasi Pariwisata

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