Tourism Diplomation as Indonesia’s Nation Branding in Global Level

Harits Dwi Wiratma


Indonesia has the potential of natural and cultural resources that stretch from Sabang to Merauke. This potential can be used as the biggest economic source for Indonesia from the tourism sector. Tourism is now one of the industries that have potential at the global level. Indonesia has the potential to take the attention of foreign tourists. The state has a role to take steps in supporting the progress of the tourism industry in Indonesia. Tourism diplomacy can be done through the government, private sector and community groups who have concerns about the tourism industry at the global level. The synergies of several parties are able to give a significant impact for the development of tourism in Indonesia. The purpose of diplomacy is to strengthen Indonesia's nation branding in the international world and Indonesia is able to compete in the global level.


Diplomasi Pariwisata, Sinergi, Nation Branding

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